Sunday, May 6, 2012

FYI--Shit Lucy says and Does....

Ok Ok Ok.....I have been getting hassled so much about setting a date to get a book done and just do it already.  I have two different ones I have been working on.  One that is just our story, and another that is "Life According to Lucy".  That one will be done much quicker, its all her Lucyisms and antics.  I have an ebook place to publish it and a hard copy way to publish it. I thought I should do that one and all the sales will go towards the marathon I signed up to do for St. Jude in December.  So.....that means I need to get it done, printed and start selling it!!  I just hate doing it early because there is so much more to go in there.  Life according to Lucy is really quite hilarious and fun!  It's kind of like Shit my Dad says....Shit Lucy says...and Does.... hahahaha.  PS Look up Shit my Dad says If you have never read need to.  That man is by far the most hilarious thing I have ever read.  Zach and I just read it and cry from laughing.  So with that said I am going to give myself a hard date.  Details soon.


  1. I would definitely buy a copy of your book when you get it published :)

  2. Doooooo itttttt!!
    I was thinking you could have a chapter dedicated solely to Dexter and Her Insatiable Crazy Off the Wall Food Cravings. Kind of like a cookbook..
