Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Taco update

We took Taco back to the vet today for his check up after being on steroids for 30 days.  His counts are all normal.  And before you say "yea", let me explain this to you.  The steroids are basically "boosting" his immune system.  They are pushing things out of his bone marrow very quickly, so his numbers should not be normal.  They should be WAY elevated.  So this wasn't the bed news we wanted.  The doctor said is definitely 1 of 2 things as before.  Autoimmune disease, or Cancer.  Specifically blood cancer.  We won't know unless we do a bone aspirate, which we have chosen not to do.  So the game plan is to wean him off steroids over the next 6 weeks.  The doctor said if we weaned him too fast, and it is cancer, he would go downhill really fast and be in a lot of pain.  So after the 6 week weaning, we will recheck his counts at that time, unless of course something happens prior to that.  We are really saddened by this news, but at least we have prolonged his life, and he is in no pain.  He is fat though!  lol  He weighs 24 lbs and should only weigh around 15.  So while weaning him, we have a very strict diet for him to follow too, and some interesting ideas from the doc for exercise.  So we will know in the next few weeks if we are dealing with an autoimmune or cancer, and how to proceed from there.  Until then, its snuggles snuggles and more snuggles for my favorite Weiner dog.


  1. So sorry Shawna. I have Moses and Bella and love them so much. Bella has alot of allergies, she is expensive, but I wouldnt change it for the world. People I got her from was going to have her put to sleep when she was 10 months old. I saved her and am glad I did. I would be lost without my babies. Take care and I will say a little prayer for taco. Oh Bella is 16 pounds. I call her my heffer yorkie. LOL! She loves to eat!

  2. I wish the news was more definitive and positive. Poor, faithful Taco. I know you will all benefit from some extra special snuggles. Please update when there is more news. XO

  3. We lost our dog suddenly to cancer and it was devastating . Cherish every moment while you can!

  4. My aunt Bobbie sent me your link, she is Larry's girlfriend, which I understand Larry is Lucy's grandpa? I'm so sorry to hear of everything going on your life. We are going through the same thing with our rescue pitbull Molly. She was fine on Saturday, then Sunday we too noticed something was "off" with her. How does this happen so fast? While we are still waiting blood results, we are facing the same options, auto immune or cancer. I can't begin to understand your heartache with Lucy, but I do understand feeling overwhelmed with bad news. Our family is struggling with some other issues, and now this! I hope everything works out for the best for you & your family. I also hope we get the same results with Molly after some steriods as you seem to be getting with Taco, although I understand that this disease will eventually take my sweet furry baby from me. Thanks for sharing your stories. Hugs!
