Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break- our Staycation

Yep, its that time of year again.  The time where the kids will be home together in the house for 24/7.  So time for lots of fighting!  and yelling...and time outs..and maybe, just maybe some time for togetherness.  Yesterday proved to be a little of all of it, but mostly the latter.  My children played well together outside AFTER they both threw some massive fits because I told them NO TV! I said "its way too nice outside to be sitting in here".  I sounded like my mother!  oh my! Once they got out there, they rode their bikes, killed some zombies (yes, they have a new game of zombie killing). And Jack even took up refuge under a tree to read a book.  That warmed my heart the most.  We have read to that kid almost everyday since he was born.  You know the good parent thing to do to encourage the love of reading...well, when he had to start reading for himself, he wasn't interested.  Would get down right angry with us, matter of fact.  So we laid off for awhile.  I kept buying books I thought may interest him, even magazines like lego magazine.  Anything to encourage him to read.  Well, as the school year went on, he would read those little books that say level 1, 2, etc.  I bought all the lego ones I could find.  Then he mentioned that he was wanting a chapter book, said the other books were for babies.  So I bought him "Captain Underpants"  He liked looking at the pictures for a few months, and then yesterday all of a sudden, he started reading the whole darn book!  yay!  He was so proud he made it to chapter 13.  And when Jack reads, he's still an outloud reader.  So Lucy got to enjoy some of it as well.  Thank you Captain Underpants!  Jack has also learned how to use the remote and has been getting up on his own and making breakfast and turning on TV.  Oh, how wonderful to be able to sleep in on weekends a bit.  Sometimes Lucy gets up a bit early, and he will help her with breakfast and they will watch TV together, but usually it ends in a fight, which is how we are woken up.  ha!  I like this new independence thing, but its bitter sweet.  My babies are growing up.  Jack also lost 2 teeth last week!  finally! Lucy keeps telling me her teeth are loose now. I told her to slow down, we didn't need both kids growing up too fast.
So, this week should be interesting since we are staying home for Spring break. That decision was based on two factors 1.  Lucy needs to be close to clinic 2.  we have no money.  ha!  Which brings up another point.  We have officially realized that along with our children growing up, we are too.  I don't know why, but I feel as if I have perpetually been in my early 20's for the last 15 years. hehehe  Until this week.  Our roof has a couple of leaks, and we knew when we bought the house 5 years ago, a new roof would probably be needed soon.  Well, we bit the bullet.  We paid for a new roof.  Yikes!  What a very grown up thing to do.  We hated draining our savings considering our situation, but it needed to be done.  Then of course as soon as we did that, our washing machine is deciding it wants to "not work" all the time.  So looks like we will have to be grown ups again and start shopping for a new one.  Ours is old anyhow, and the dryer is too.  We have been waiting for this to happen for the last few months, we could tell it was getting tired.  So while I realize that we are all growing up, it doesn't mean we have to like it!! lol  So I am sure at some point this week, we will all decide to be kids again.  I am posting some videos that are too funny not to share.  enjoy and have a fabulous week, the weather looks as if its going to be great in Illinois,

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