Monday, March 19, 2012

Ho Hum...ho hum..

I have a need to blog.  I have no specific topic or reason.  We haven't even had a major event that has lit the belly in my fire to write.  I just really feel like writing.  Not that my blogs are usually all neat and in order and follow the simple story telling pattern, but this one, I feel will be more rambling than normal.
The past week has been a busy one. We have tried to keep our minds away from the last spinal tap result, thus creating things to keep idle.  For example, it is very very warm in Illinois for the middle of March.  So warm, in fact, the grass is already a beautiful shade of green, and it has hit the 80's.  We had our first bonfire of the season and Sunday spent the entire day on the deck while the kids rode their bikes. I have decided that is a good representation of how summer is going to be for us.  This will be my last summer working from home, so I intend to do the majority of it on the deck while letting the kids play outside.  I also decided to find the summer clothes bins and inventory what we had. Good news:  Jack and Lucy should have plenty of shorts, bad news, all my clothes are too big (isn't that a shame) ha!  Also you can tell the kids have grown in height because all their shirts look like crop tops! hahaha  fortunately, we are reliving the 80's it seems, so we may be able to pull the look off ;)  OR....I have it budgeted into the next paycheck to buy clothes for all of us.  So, whats the problem with getting out the tub of summer clothes...we all know the answer to this.  That means we have to go through all the closets, purge the winter clothes, bag up what doesn't fit, put the rest in bins..and then of course the laundry. UGH  I would be creative and innovative simply to make my life with laundry a more efficient task.  I hate laundry.  Zach does the majority of the laundry.....actually, let me rephrase that, he throws them in the washer then the dryer then the laundry baskets. I am really getting used to this and trying not to complain because at least the clothes are clean..wrinkly, but clean.  And I don't iron. I think I took the iron out once and the kids were like "wow!! what is THAT??"  I told them nothing and not to get their hopes up.  lol I sit here I think the compelling reason I felt the need to write was to avoid the laundry that has overtaken our couch.  As I look to my right, all I want to do is pretend I didn't do that.  lol
Ok, talking about laziness and ingenuity, my uncle called me yesterday to check up on Lucy.  He asked "so what are you guys up to today?" I said "we decided to stay outside on the deck all day to avoid cleaning and looking at our messy house"  he said "oh, we just leave the house when its a mess" HAHAHAHA  I can totally relate.  We have done that before!  When Jack was a baby, I stayed home with him for the first 10 months.  Zach bit his tongue for as long as he could then he told me that I HAD to go back to work.  I was and still am a horrible housewife.  I spent all day playing dress up with Jack! lol  and taking pictures and going to lunch and shopping with my best friend.  I acted like I had a maid or money.  Which of course, I had neither.
So as I am telling about what I am NOT good at, I can tell you that I am a good cook, and I enjoy that (guess who cleans up?) I am a good mother. I may lose my cool from time to time, but I'm pretty clever and crafty with the kids.  I am an EXCELLENT parent to my pets ;)  I worship Taco and my previous dog Scrappy.  I am a good wife.  That did NOT come naturally.  I had to work VERY VERY hard on that one.  But I am proud to say that my selfishness has decreased, and I really do love my husband with all my heart.  I'm a pretty funny person.  Zach helped to bring out that humor, and believe it or not so did cancer.  Do I think cancer is funny?  absolutely NOT. I curse it.  But when you have to live with everyday in your child, you either laugh or cry.  And I'm not into the blubbering crying and making my nose all stuffed up and my eyes all swollen (at least not all the time). So I choose laughter. I try to always choose laughter.  I am honest.  Sometimes brutally honest. That is something that wasn't always there either. I used to lie. And about stupid stuff,mostly just to not hurt people's feelings or to get myself out of trouble.  Now I figure I'm in so deep if I tell the truth Karma will be nice to me :) Ok, so since I said I was honest, I must tell you that from time to time, I lie to Zach!  hahahaha  Like about how much money something cost or I go shopping and hide what I buy and bring it out a month later. But he always so I never get away with those lies.  And he laughs at me and says "why do you even try?"  I also lie to the kids sometimes.  I tell them my favorite chocolate is all gone when I really have a stash, oh and of course there is the Easter bunny, Santa, Leprechauns, tooth fairy, and the boogie man.....ok ok so I don't tell them there is a boogie man, but one time in a horrible parent mood, I told Jack there was a bear outside his window.  It was not funny, and yet I believe I almost wet myself after I did it.  I got an F that day for parenting.  Oh, yes....I almost forgot, we grade ourselves every night on how we did as parents.  Its fun.  We get lots of C's some weeks, and other times flat out F's.  But when we get an A, we talk about it for WEEKS...months even.  :)
Sigh....I am to the end of my ramble for the evening and guess what...yep, laundry is still sitting there and fat ass (aka Taco) is laying on top of it.  Guess I better wash it, dry it, and throw it in a laundry basket.  Only I'll do Zach one up and put all the baskets of clothes right next to his side of the bed so he has to climb over them to get in bed.....hehehehehe...did I mention that I'm smart?

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