Tuesday, October 25, 2011

If we all lived the world according to Dr. Seuss

I just realized I didn't post the results of Lucy's spinal. I guess I was too excited and forgot to blog.  Her results came back clear!  woo hoo!  We have to go back in 4 weeks and make sure we get another clear result.  Dr. Pui said the chemo they injected last time could have killed any cells, so he wants two clear ones in a row, and this time they didn't do intrathecal chemo so the next one will be the real test.  We had a nice time in Memphis even though the drive straight through wasn't wonderful.  We made sure we took Lucy out to Huey's to eat (our favorite burger joint), and then she got to see her boyfriend with cancer (as she calls him), Bo and got to go eat dinner with him and Lucy got to play with him.  She sure is bossy!  LOL She made him hold her hand and then was on him like glue.  Poor kid doesn't have a chance.
So our playroom is almost complete.  We have trim work to do, some decorating and furnishing, and a few odds and ins.  We have moved the kids in there for the time being.  My "theme" for the room has been bright colors, and all about the kids.  I have their art work up on the walls, I have Dr. Seuss quotes all over as well as some of the characters.  I painted the walls all different colors.  2 walls are blue, 1 is red, and 1 is green.  Zach thought I was crazy!  as does everybody else who saw it, but now that I have the pictures up and Seuss quotes I am getting a lot of compliments and people saying "wow, that turned out really nice".  See I had a vision....LOL
The kids were asking me what the Dr. Seuss quotes said as I was hanging them.  I made Jack read them.  The first one I chose was "A person's a Person no matter how small".  He got done reading it, and said "hey that is really true!"  LOL  he liked it.  Lucy even chimed in with "I'm a person and I'm small".
The second one is "Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind".  Jack asked what exactly that meant.  I told him it meant to be himself and don't say or do things just because other people do them.  I told him we would love him no matter how he felt and that it was good for him to tell people what was on his mind.  I hope that one doesn't back fire on me!  ha!  He loves to read this one now over and over.  The last one is "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 

 I couldn't find my favorite already as an applique  "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” I am still looking for that.  
So for obvious reasons, I chose Dr. Seuss because he represents the world through the eyes of a child.  And I love rhymes ;)  But for less obvious reasons, I also chose this for their room, it was more for me.  These quotes are some of the best that I have seen and I feel that everybody should live by them.  They are so simple, yet so profound.  Matter of fact, one of them came up in my therapy session...how ironic, right?  We were talking about expectations and relating with others.  And my therapist said "well, now why would you expect so and so to think like that?  just because you do?  Nobody thinks like you do and you should never assume that they do".  Wow!  So simple...yet we forget this a lot!  Not only do all of our brains work differently, they are shaped differently by our experiences.  And we sometimes forget that.  It reminded me that nobody is like me and the simple quote "there is no one alive that is Youer than You".  And it also taught me to appreciate what others say and try to see their point of view even if I don't agree.  Let them say what matters to them in their own way instead of how I want them to say it.  I'm not good at that.  I like to be in control of situations.  My therapist also reminded me that sometimes I may be expecting things from people that they just aren't capable of giving.  And its not a bad thing, it just is what it is.  Maybe that isn't that person's strength and instead of dwelling on that what the problem is or what they CAN'T do, why not focus on what they can do and find ways to make up for it in their strengths.  Again...nobody is You.
Just imagine if we all lived the world according to Dr. Seuss.  We would have more respect, understanding, less judging, more confidence in ourselves and trust in others, and be equipped with a mindset that can help us beat or overcome any obstacle....cancer included.  I encourage you to go buy a Dr. Seuss book or read one if you haven't in a long time. And don't look at the story as a child, but read it as an adult.  I'm inclined to think you may have a new appreciation for the world.  And remember "The more things you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go".

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