Clinic went well on Tuesday. Lucy's counts all doubled (which is what is suppose to happen when she is on Dex), and we didn't get any bad news about her blood work, so that I am thankful for. We still have to wait until October 19th to see about that spinal tap and what those abnormal cells were. I hate that we even have any doubt. I know that Dr. Pui told us it was no big deal and not to worry, but as a parent, I can't help but worry. I am constantly checking her for symptoms of relapse. UGH. and looking up everything on the Internet! ha! that can be a very BAD idea..I do not recommend it.
And we had some more drama regarding our Friday night "date" night. Zach was NOT getting any better from his concussion, matter of fact, I think he was getting a bit worse. He was stuttering and nauseous and dizzy all the time. So we called our family doctor and they told us to go back to the ER as there wasn't much they could do. So we did. The ER doctor said some of the symptoms were normal for post concussion syndrome and could last days to weeks to months, but the stuttering was not normal. He referred us to a neurologist, and Zach took a bunch of memory, cognitive, and physical tests. He didn't so hot...actually failed the memory and cognitive horribly. So he was put on couch rest for 2 weeks. Basically he can do NOTHING but mindless activities. He's not too happy about this, but I told him I would rather have him down for 2 weeks than 2 months. He also isn't allowed to drive or he's pretty much going insane.
Then we had an issue with Jack getting teased on the bus. As a parent, I wanted to march on that bus and yell at all those kids. They were all chanting "chubby cheeks" to him for a couple of days, and he was devastated. Kids can be so evil. Plus he is already having some high stress issues, anger and temper issues, and lack of self confidence in some of his abilities, so we didn't need this to add to his plate. For a 6 year old, he's got more stress than some adults. I just hope he turns out to be a better rounded adult than a serial killer! LOL We did take him to a counselor and he is going to start going regularly. The school has also been great about helping address the teasing situation. The principal has zero tolerance for that and he talked to the people responsible for starting the teasing. Jack said its been pretty good since then, I hope it stays that way.
We are still busy regardless of all the drama. We do clinic on Tuesdays, ballet and tap on Fridays, Jack is in scouts now, and of course we have more doctor's appt for us and work. I think we all need a vacation! I think its better to stay busy so we don't think about the 3 weeks coming up and that it goes by as fast as possible. I'm tired of holding my breath.
I have one more act of kindness to complete as today is the final day of September. I have a couple of ideas. I have done quite a few things this month, and feel really good about it. I think I am going to continue this at least once a month because I realize how much it impacts one person's life, and how good it makes my heart feel. Plus, we could use all the good karma we can get ;)
well...its almost time for the bus to get here, so I have to get the kiddos set and ready! Have a good weekend.
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