It's been crazy hectic here at our house to do any blogging, but I think the stress is getting to me so I apparently need to get it out of my head since I woke up at 3:40 this morning with no hopes of going back to sleep in the near future. I decided to get up and blog all my problems and give them to you, the reader, yes, nice of me, I know ;)
Zach is still having issues with his concussion. The headaches are getting better and goin away almost completely, but the dizzy and nauseas are still here anytime he does a lot of movement. Even something as simple as picking up laundry off the floor. And he can't drive or ride in a car without puking, so I have been left to run errands and take Lucy to clinic.
Clinic- oh yea, we got low numbers this week. Ugh! Her anc dropped from 3100 to 600, which I expect it to drop post dex, but not that low. Her WBC dropped more than half too. They said it could be from upping her nightly chemo (6mp). She had high WBC for 5 weeks in a row (not abnormal high but higher than they like a cancer kid to be), so they said she could be metabolizing the 6 mp too quickly which was the reason for the dosage change. So we go back to check her counts again today. If they are falling, I'm assuming they will adjust the 6mp again. It's a game of balance, always. You don't want to give them so much that they are always neutropenic, but you also don't want their body so healthy because the cancer cells love that. When her counts are this low, you want to minimize any exposure to germs, viruses, etc because their bodies can't fight them as well. Plus a fever with counts this low is dangerous. So we avoid crowds and pretty much everything! Before this was fine because all we had was clinic anyhow, but now she has dance class, so I have made
The decision to take her and just make her wear a mask. There are only 6 other girls in the class, and the place is dead in the mornings. I'll see how pleased she is with that! Ha! I have to balance and keep her as "normal" as possible.
We have also had some stress with one of my uncles having a stroke last weekend. It's horrible, and sad. I don't really know what else to say about it even though it occupies my mind the majority of the day. He is going to get rehabilitation and I hope it works to get him to his "new" normal that is comfortable for him and satisfies how he wants to live out the rest of his life. New normals just suck.
Then for my own personal health, I have been struggling with some things that are hormone and thyroid relates for years. Even went to mayo at one point because it seemed as if I was getting no answers here. Well, things were finally on the right track, I was working with my endocrinologist and found a new holistic doctor as well. I found outbid had some food allergies, Which was a relief to hear why I was having some issues, but a pain to have to change how I eat (btw, keep Zach in your thoughts, I got a new cookbook! Lol and
That's never a good thing around here since he's my guinea pig). Anyhow, I went in for my annual check up even got my first mammogram this year, it came back good, so I was feeling pretty good, then something came back abnormal on my ovaries. So they sent off the blood test called c-125 (I think) for a cancer tumor marker test. I was like "really?? Because one person in this household isn't enough? I don't have time to have cancer" I'm sure the test is fine and it'll come back in the next couple of days, but just the idea that they think it's necessary to have testing pissed me off. Maybe they are just being overcautious because they are well aware of our situation. I'm really not too stressed or worried about it coming back bad, just floored it is even bein done.
Then steve jobs dies this week! Of cancer!!! It really is all over the place and nobody is immune and not all the money in the world can make it go away. Cuz he sure had enough money! And what a loss this world experienced. Whether you were an apple fan or not (my loyalty is quite sickening, and I think I need therapy over my iPhone! Ha!) the impact he had on how we do everything was quite phenomenal. Experts said a home PC wasn't possible, he proved them wrong. Then he created an empire of how we listen to music, news, how we communicate with such ease, and probably how the government can track us easier too! Lol but he couldn't influence or change how we treat cancer. Not even with all the money in the world. And Steve Jobs was a huge beatles fan, so we love him that much more in this house for obvious reasons. Somebody posted on FB that heaven just went hig tech. Let's hope so. Cancer surrounds us all over, and let's hope that there is an equivalent to Jobs in the medical world. Because they have some tough work laid out for them, and I hope this person or persons are up to the challenge because I for one feel like a family with one person in
Their household with cancer is too much, let alone two..or in my extended famiy's case, a dozen or more. That is definitely a big job for someone to fill.
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