So they wheel us into the room, and the lady from registration comes in. Asks for our insurance card and ID, etc etc....Zach says "hey we met our out of pocket deductible, think you can give me a work up? What else can I sign up to get done today?" By time the doctor came in, I'm certain they thought we were crazy as we asked if we could please get admitted for a week vacation from cancer and have insurance pay for it? I know, I know....its our outlet, what can I say.
So they ended up doing a CT scan on Zach. He has bruising and swelling on his brain, but not bad and no bleeds. So we were sent home on pain meds, and I am to wake him up every hour. So no rest for me. Like I get a lot anyhow. So that was our date night...and it was kinda nice to be away from cancer for a minute...even if it was dealing with a concussion.
As for Lucy and the blasts found in her spinal fluid, I called about that. I was confused as I thought blasts were only made in the bone marrow and if they were in spinal fluid, that meant it was because it had to be leukemia. And that is not the case. This does NOT happen very often, but it happens. They are baffled because Lucy has the best features for NOT having a relapse, plus she didn't present with any WBC in her spinal fluid. Usually a relapse is characterized by both WBC (a certain volume) and blasts. Now they can't say that she hasn't relapsed 100% because they won't know til they test again, but the chances are slim to none. And they did test the blasts they found and they are not leukemia blasts, doesn't mean they can't turn into them, but for now they were not. And blasts can be found anywhere in a leukemia patient, they call them recovery cells. So....what does all of this mean? Same thing it meant yesterday! LOL We won't know for sure if Lucy has relapsed unless other symptoms present over the next 4 weeks and then the next spinal will be the final tell all if nothing has happened in that time. The chances are slim to none, so now that I have my answers, I will worry about relapse when that time comes IF it comes...for now I am taking Dr. Pui's advice and not worrying. And of course I'm going to hug that little Lucy of mine every night as tight as I can. Regardless of the outcome, she is growing up and going to be 4!!! and after they turn 4, they seem to not want to cuddle as much anymore :(
Hope some how you managed to get SOME rest ;)