Sunday, August 12, 2012

One person can (only) do so much

I saw the title quote on a button. Only instead of the only in parenthesis, it was crossed out. What a difference a word can make on ones point of view. It reminds me that one person can have a lot of influence to help others realize how much they can do. And when that happens, it's one group think idea I actually approve of. And yesterday, people proved that theory right.
Lucy Weber day 2012 was a HUGE success. And it was so because of all
The people that came together to help make it happen. First, I had people who baked for us. And when I say baked, I mean BAKED!!! We had so many baked goods to sell, my entire kitchen was filled. Couldn't fit one more thing on a counter or table!! Then comes the individuals who dropped off things to sell in the garage sale. There was so much stuff, we hardly had a walk way in my yard! And people were just putting stuff in my drive way. I'd wake up in the morning, and stuff was sitting there! Then I realized I needed tables! More tables!! And people dropped off their tables and even made extra trips back home to do so. Then the night before, I had people helping me set all the stuff out. Even after they left, I was up til midnight working on it and up at 5 am trying to finish. The next morning, people showed up and helped me finish and did a fantastic job!! One couple drove back home (25-30 miles) i dont know how many times to help get tables, then stayed late to help set up and was there bright and early the next morning and didn't leave til the sale was over. Never mind all the baking they did! One lady came in like a TLC show and merchandised and prices things better than I could have, AND she brought stuff to sell!! People were very helpful from sitting at the cash box so I could run and finish things up to helping disassemble playground toys to put in people's cars. And of course, I had people that took it upon themselves to make tshirts, huggies, decals, and even found donors so that 100% of the profit could go to St Jude. Then one team Lucy fan sat out in the heat all day to sell them!
Then let's not forget the people that came and spent their money. Showing up for support was awesome. And telling their friends or bringing them. People even brought their families out to eat lunch from our hot dog cart, showing amazing support not only for st Jude, but for our new business venture. And all while zach and I were sweaty and stinky!! Ha! Then we had good friends who ran errands to the store for us to get supplies since we miscalculated how many people would come to buy hot dogs!
Then of course, people helped to watch Jack and Lucy while we were scrambling. You all know from my posts, that is a huge undertaking.
We even had The Glitter Fairy come out and do tattoos. They have been a wonderful supporter of Lucy and St Jude, not to mention other charities. They have a mission to give back, and I love that.
See, we had a lot of people here, but it was the gesture of each individual that make it a success. Just by buying a baked good to making one, people were instrumental in the success we had yesterday. How successful? $1750 dollars to St Jude successful. And I still have money to count! And donations coming in. Just to give you an idea, of where the money is going. We raises enough to provide one child with chemotherapy for a day and another child to receive oxygen for 2 days. Those are the days we are saving lives.
I'm humbled, proud, and haven't had that much fun in a long time. So remember when are busy and stressed out and think you dont have any time. One person can make a difference and one person can do SO much.

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