As long as I'm living my baby you'll be. Familiar with the book? If not, the premise basically follows a mother taking care of her baby boy and she always says this to him before bed. Then when he moves out, she sneaks in the window of his home and says it to him. Then the mom gets too old, so the son rocks his old age mother and says this to her. The book ends with the son grown up and has a child and keeps the tradition. So what does that have to do with this blog post? Very little. The part I want to highlight out of all of that is when the boy grows up and takes care of his mother.
Zach and I have conversations often about when we get old and how we think it will look. We had such a conversation today. We already told the kids if they put us in a nursing home, we would haunt them terribly after we died, so that's not an option! Ha!! So we decided we will be living with the children. I told zach, I'm going to hide all of their stuff under my pillow when I get old. He said he's going to ask for something to eat every ten minutes and then end up throwing it away. I said I was going to randomly leave the house and maybe sometimes take their car other times walk and not It tell them I'm leaving. Oh and when I go to the bathroom, I'm going to scream "I neeeeed someone to wipe my butt!!!!!" over and over.
We also decided we would join all sorts of senior groups and have then drive us and maybe even throw a fit or two about not wanting to go.
We said the child that gives us the most grief in all their years (which we are betting is Lucy) will be the one we live with and the other we will ask for money from. Now before you criticize us, think about it. How much better behaved would you have been growing up if you knew in advance how hard parenting was? And since that's not a reality, this could totally be a viable option.
Zach said he never "got" his mom til he had kids. And I never realized I needed to apologize to my parents until I had kids. And the irony, I really needed my mom after I had jack more than ever before.
Now I know it's my duty as a parent to withstand all the kids bring on, and that perhaps when they have children, they will get paid back ten fold (I know I am with Lucy. She is me x10), but it gives us great pleasure and entertainment to discuss how we will be towards the kids when they get older.
I love the title and premise of the book, it gives me goosebumps, but of it were more in line with the new version of "go the F&#* to sleep", it would be called "I'll love you forever, I'll like you sometimes, as long as I'm living, you will promise to wipe my butt"
Hahaha I so agree! And I have also had the conversation with my kids. And Especially the comment "when you have kids you'll understand" Had that one with my almost 16 yr old daughter just yesterday. Which she replied that she would never be like that to her daughter. I told her I'd remember the date so I could remind her!!