We had a fine time in Memphis, everything went like it normally does with the exception that we took Jack with us this time around. It was actually nice for him to come and see what we do there. For him to remember why we go there and see what Lucy does while we are there. I think sometimes he thinks its all fun and games at the Ronald Mcdonald House. Plus it was nice to have some family time even if it was just in the van :)
We got done fairly early on Wednesday and decided to go ahead and make the trek home. We got a phone call around 9 pm from our nurse, Martha May. She told us that she wanted to let us know that they found a blast in Lucy's spinal fluid again :( Just like back in September. Last time there were 4, this time just one. It was a total let down and I nearly had a nervous break down for the remainder of the trip home. Martha May waited to call us because she wanted Dr. Pui to take a look and give him opinion before calling us. He said he thought it was fine. He said the risk of her having a CNS relapse is so low, and that this has happened before and then she had two clear spinals afterwards, so if it was a relapse, there would have been more than one blast regardless of the chemo she gets. So we go back in 6 weeks, then follow up again in 6 weeks. She has to have 2 clear spinals in a row to be considered in the clear.
This last week was also a dex week so those are rough, and so it the 5 days following. She is always in so much pain from the vincristine chemo she was given Wednesday. And the dex helps to mask the pain a bit, so when she goes off the dex, the pain really kicks in, which is today.
Anyhow, just really wanted to give a short update. I'm pretty stressed out right now and going to try to find an outlet for that stress. Thank goodness for nice weather, looks like a nice long walk/run will be helpful this week.
My thoughts & prayers are never far away for all of you. I don't post to you very often here or on FB any more but I make sure to check in at least 1 time a day to see how everyone on Team Lucy is doing (((HUGS)))! Beth :)