Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sample of Life at the Webers

So since my last post was a bit of a downer, I decided to switch gears and give you a taste of what goes on inside the walls of the Weber's house.  Those of you who follow us on FB, get a taste everyday of the craziness and quite frankly at times its hilarious.  It really does help to laugh that keeps us sane....or insane?  Doesn't matter keeps us from killing one another, especially in the month of February when its too cold to throw the kids in the back yard or light a bonfire and have a few drinks.  Cabin fever has obviously gotten the best of us lately as illustrated in some of the stories below.  Enjoy.  And yes, we have no shame.  
What do Men really think about?
A couple of weeks ago, Jack was staring off into space, and I said "hey, bud, whatcha daydreaming about?"  He said "what does that mean?" So I explained how sometimes we think about random things during the day or stare off into space to give our brain a break and think of nice things. He looked at me and replied "no, I wasn't doing that, I was staring at the chair".  HAHAHA Zach said "See I told you that men really aren't thinking about anything and if they are its probably sex".  So a few days ago, Zach had that same look on his face that Jack did.  He was gazing off into space.  I knew better not to ask what he was thinking because he was probably just looking at the wall. Well, he looked at me so intently and serious and said "how do you think Whales have sex?"  and he was dead serious!!  Oh my, I laughed so hard.  It was so appropriate since weeks earlier we had JUST had that conversation.  So I guess the theory has been proven least for my boys.
Setting the Bar high.
Every week, Jack has spelling tests at school.  We usually start studying on Monday, and then through out the week we go over them a couple times.  In the beginning, I used to place word cards in various places around the house.  On doors, mirrors, walls, etc.  He had to read it or spell it everytime he passed it.  That was ambition.  Well, the week before last, we forgot about the spelling test.  Don't ask me how.  It's not like its not a regular thing.  We remembered all about it 5 minutes before the bus came on test day.  Zach handed Jack his spelling words and told him to study on the bus and said "good luck".  Well, that afternoon, Jack came busting through the door, and I said "so how did you do on that spelling test?"  He said "I FAILED it!! I missed a lot".  So what would most parents do?  Well that's NOT what we did.  I laughed...I laughed so hard.  I think it was out of pure craziness.  I told him "bud, I'm so sorry you failed, its partly our fault for not helping you study".  So, this week, we get spelling words on Monday, and what did we do?  We studied, and studied, and studied.  So come test day, Zach said "so, bud, how are you going to do on your spelling test?"  Jack replied "These words are easy, I'm going to shoot for a 90%".  Zach and I looked at each other and giggled under our breath and Zach said "Bud you know all these words why not shoot for 100%?" his reply "Well, you still get a smelly sticker when you get 90%".  We really didn't know what to say.  I guess we are NOT raising over Achievers!  LOL  I don't know if its a good thing that he doesn't stress out to and feel pressured to be perfect or a bad thing that he will settle for less than excellence.  I think my laughing at his failing test score scarred him.  Gonna have to work on reversing that.
How the Walls Speak to us.

So you are probably wondering what you are looking at here?  Well, I'm so glad you asked, let me share.  It's valentines, on Lucy's wall, with lip gloss.  So this was a pleasant surprise when I went in to tuck lucy in for nap.  I said "What in the world is that?"  She said "well, I didn't have any tape".  I said "So, what is that".  She proceeds to lift up her pillow.  Under neath it is lip gloss, fingernail polish, pencils, and markers.  So apparently she has a stash.  So this wall is covered in lip gloss, the one behind her door is covered with finger nail polish and stamps.  Zach was so mad and nearly flipped, but I had to leave the room because I was giggling like a school girl.  I do believe that is NOT how a parent is suppose to react.  Again..blaming it on cabin fever.
Kids say the darnest things
Lucy has her special shoes that help her not walk on her tippy toes.  She hates wearing them because they hurt.  They hurt because they force her to walk regular.  Well, the other day daddy was bending over and putting on her shoes.  Lucy says "Daddy, you have hair on your butt"  (she really meant lower back).  Daddy said "well, gee, thanks Lucy".  she said "you need to wax that".  I think I spit my water out!!  hahahaha  She had learned all about waxing after watching America's Home videos with the babysitter.  Oh, my....
So that is just a short sample of what goes on in our life.  So in my description when I say we are raising our two children and trying hard not to screw them up in the process, I REALLY mean it.  Parenting is definitely a learn as you go type of job.  I'm certain we probably screw up more often than not, and I think we aren't suppose to laugh as much as we do (at least not in front of the kids for their mishaps).  At this point, we are holding on tight and hoping that they both aren't still living with us when they are 30.......Have a fab weekend.

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