I made a calendar that represents what we were going through last year. I just put it up. Zach can't look at it, too raw still. It shows pictures of what we were doing in January of last year. Brought back some emotions, so I thought I would go back to my caring journal and see exactly what we were doing on those days. Wow, to see how far we have come. And I am so glad that I kept this journal, while painful, it also helps to see our mood, and where we were and Lucy's strength. I know she is strong, but reading those words were powerful in relation to how much strength we had. I posted the two entries below. For those of you who have never read them, you made want to get a tissue...heck those that HAVE read it, it will bring back a flood of memories of where we were. When I read the entries, its as if time stands still and I go back to that time. I can see, smell, and hear what was going on back then. It's truly amazing to see the start of our journey. I am very proud of who we have become as a family based on this tragedy.
January 20, 2011
yesterday was a short day at the hospital for daddy and Lucy only 4 hours. I stayed here and did the cleaning and laundry (never knew we would have so much laundry for just three of us in a day!) Lucy seemed to have a rough morning. Not sure if the chemo was starting to effect her or not, but she actually didn't want to eat. But by time they got back, she was all ready to go and have her lunch.
We also got to video chat with Jack yesterday before his first day back at school, and again when he got home from school, and before bed. He asked when he gets to come back down here. I think he's homesick for one of us. and he brought up a logical argument: he said there are 2 parents, and 2 of us. Why can't one of you be with Lucy and one of you be home with me? He gets that logic from his dad, and the emotion from me. But you know, he is right. As much as both of us want to be here with Lucy, the next couple of weeks are routine, no major procedures, and nothing out of the ordinary. Short hospital visits, and long room stays. So it might actually be best if one of us goes home to be with him for the next 2 weeks. Plus there are things that need to be done to the house to get it ready for her first homecoming.
One of the hardest things lately has been her hair falling out. It comes out in clumps and there are bald spots starting to form at the top of her head. the back is still pretty thick, but also starting to thin. And its very emotional for me, and its bothersome for her. Its all over her pillows, blankets, food, gets in her mouth, eyes, etc. So we decided to just shave her entire head last night and go bald. She was ok with it. At first she said it "hurt", and we said what hurts about it? come to find out, it was the clippers and how loud they were. So we gave her my ipod and sang the beatles with her while we shaved it. When we got done and she looked at it she said "Now i look like all the rest of the kids". It was as if she felt like she "belonged". And while she is extra cute with no hair and chubby cheeks, it was very emotional for me. The nurses warned that it was usually hard on mom the most, and they were right. It just solidified the fact that she is sick. I cried for about 2 hours last night down stairs. The physical changes and emotional changes are hard for me. I am searching for that little girl on xmas morning, and she is fading. She is now full of medical terms, procedures, no real "friend" interaction since we have to stay in our room if we aren't in the hospital. Her normal energy is gone, and even her voice has changed. I know this is all necessary in order to be cured, but I worry about what this does to her free spirit. Zach says I worry too much. I just can't wait for the day when she is home. and playing with her babies and in her room. She asks if her xmas stuff is still there. And then night time is the worst for me. She has a lot of nightmares and groans a lot in her sleep as if she is in pain. That is hard. And I say all of this while also stressing that during the day, she really is a trooper. I mean how can she not be? there is the equivalent of gasoline running through her veins, and you wouldn't know it. And then I slept with her again last night, so you never sleep too well when you are with her, and everytime I rolled over and looked at her beautiful bald head, it just reminds you that she is sick. I guess when she didn't "look" like she had cancer, it wasn't as "real". I know that sounds odd and maybe I'm not explaining it right or putting the right words on it. Sometimes I still wish I could I go to sleep and when I wake up, it will all have been a horrible horrible dream.
I make sure that I don't cry in front of her, and that if she is down in the dumps (which is usually only when she is tired), we try to act silly and get her mood up and take a nap as soon as we can. I know she is going to react and act based on our actions and moods, so I never want her to see be have one of my "bawls", but I also let her know that its ok to be sad every now and then because this is a hard thing she is going through.
I hope today is a better day for me and an easy day on her. We go in to the hospital at 8 for her chemo, blood check, and to see Dr. Pui one last time before he goes to Europe. He said "no worries, I am 7 hours difference, and can be here in no time". He really is an angel on her side. And he says for every one person cured at St. Jude, 1000 are cured around the world. So that makes me happy to know that Lucy is helping to save 1000 other kids, and one day when she gets older, I want to make sure she realizes that.
January 21
I woke up freezing down here in Tennessee, and then checked the weather for my friends in illinois! Yikes!! So sorry! Bet Taco was under the covers cuddled close to my mom last night!!!
Yesterday we had our appt around 8 am at the hospital. when we got there, Lucy wanted to take her hat off so she could show everybody her new haircut. Here I was bawling the night before about it, and she was so proud!! I love that little girl! We told her it may grow back a different color, she is hoping for pink!
And she has a very beautiful head. We have never seen it before! She came out with the thickest black hair when she was born and it stuck straight up, it never fell out but just continued to grow, so this is our first time seeing her head. She is also quite proud that her and white look exactly alike!
We had a short hospital visit again yesterday. Basically went in to see Pui, got some anti-nausea meds then the push of ara-c chemo. Her blood counts are all going up, with the exception of platelets, which is normal. Chemo is killing those, and eventually will kill the other cells too. Her ANC was at 1200!! Good to see that it does in fact recover after chemo. Pui said it will drop by the 24th again to zero.
She also took a 4 hr nap yesterday! The longest since she has been here! Zach tried to sneak in the bed with me while she was sleeping, but she woke up telling him where he needed to be! Lol and it was nice to just lay next to each other even for a few minutes. We haven't slept in the same bed for 5 weeks, and hardly have had time for a conversation longer than 5 minutes. She doesn't like it when we talk, so we text a lot! Yesterday, we were trying to talk about bills and such, and she kept interrupting, so Zach had to sternly tell her to wait her turn and not interrupt because mommy and daddy had things to discuss. She started crying. And it's the first time she has broken down without hair, and we looked at each other and felt horrible! Of course, I had to say "nice, make the bald cancer patient cry". Haha we try to keep it "real" with her and follow discipline, but if you have ever disciplined a bald kid before, you know how tough that is!!
Lucy also felt good enough to play some games yesterday. We played connect 4, but not the original way. Her way, and she won every game! Then we threw down a game of UNO moo! Lol it was fun. Then I painted her fingers and toes.
The post from yesterday explained how I was worried that Lucy was losing her "spirit", and I had a good friend who herself has been battling breast cancer for many years send me a note. She said not to worry about the spirit, it's still there, it has just gone inside for now to fight the cancer, and that it will return. That meant the world to me to hear what lucy must be feeling and thinking but can't put into words. I told my friend before her and Lucy are going to kiss cancers ass, and they are cancer BFF's! And I believe that. They are the two strongest women I know and that was before all this happened!! I always thought Lucy "fought like a girl"!
Yesterday as we were waiting, I had a lady approach me and ask if I had a child being treated here. And I said yes, she said my sister does too, and pointed to a lady. It was only their 2nd day here. She was a mess, like I was that day. She was asking questions, and then said her 10 year old doesn't know what he has, and she can't muster to tell him that it's cancer because to him cancer would be synonymous with death. Apparently, they had their parents, grandparents, and aunts and uncles all die from cancer. I felt bad for her, but I told her what everybody else told me. Childhood cancer (leukemia) is a very different bird than adult cancer. And that we decided to embrace the term,and all the others that go with it. To pretend it's something else, is to be afraid of it, to hit it head on is to defeat it. And I know where she is coming from, I had an aunt die of breast cancer when I was 18. It was a horrible death and long and drawn out. She left two babies behind, and I know that killed her spirit. So cancer was always a very fearful term to me too. And not that it isn't scary and that I want to downplay it, but that was a long time ago in terms of research and science, I see the proof in my friend I mentioned early. And it's a different cancer that Lucy is battling. Plus kids don't have a negative mind set unless you mold them to have one. And I strongly believe that a positive outlook and attitude is half the fight. And I'm not alone in that. The human mind and spirit is so powerful that they are doing studies on how it affects the cure rate. That's why we are at the rmdh and not in the hospital. Thats why the protocol is designed to be "at home" treatment, and that's why the
Hospital is centered around catering to
Kids and keeping normal activities intertwined with cancer. I hope that mom sees that, and trusts her child to know the truth so he has the tools to fight this.