Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What does a Banana taste like?

Wowza?  Its been a long time since I posted.  We have been so busy, matter of fact, Zach and I remarked how we are much busier now working from home than we were when we went into the office.  You have to master the art of multi-tasking.  Not as easy as you think when you have a 3 year old going on 13 running around the house who also happens to have low numbers the past 3 weeks.  GRRRR  So everything must be made fresh for her and disposed of every hour, we have to try to keep things clean and sanitary..which isn't going so well.  Plus with work and deadlines and Jack's school and extra curricular, we really can't wait until we have a chance to sit down and breathe with no obligations on our plate.  I know who are we kidding?  That won't happen til the kids are out of the house, and then of course, we will miss it, I'm told.
Lucy has had a low ANC despite being on steroids.  Which isn't a good thing.  Not terrible, but not fantastic.  We are in the house more, which we know is exactly how all winter is going to be.  And she also has a horrible cold.  Really bad snotty nose and a cough that doesn't sound so hot.  So of course, we monitor for fevers all the time.  The lower the ANC, the higher risk of fever, and then we have to make sure we get to the hospital ASAP if it does happen, so tensions are a little high around here.  She is also starting to lose her hair again :(  We aren't sure why.  They haven't changed her doses of chemo.  I have heard a few different theories that the lower the ANC, the more likely for hair to thin out again.  I was giving her a bath the other day and noticed it when I was washing her hair.  Plus she has some bald spots on the top of her head.  She was quite upset about this.  Last time she didn't care, but now she says "I don't want to lose my hair again".  She has become self conscious no  matter what we tell her.  I hope it stops...
I can sit here and type and tell you everything that is going on in our household.  And you can read it and process it, but you cannot fully appreciate it unless you are walking in our shoes or experiencing this for yourself.  We are constantly at a stress level in this household that is not good for our health.  We like to liken it to the emergency system the government has set up.  Are we on blue, orange or red....we are usually on high alert and orange.  Which means our adrenaline is always pumping, and our body is always in a fight or flight mode, which isn't good.  Its like when the little boy called wolf.  When we really need for our body to protect us from something life threatening, we may not realize it since we are always in that mode anyhow.  Our judgement isn't always clear, and decision making is hindered at times.  Of course, we don't realize this at the time, but its science.  It explains why Jack is having problems concentrating at school.  It explains why sometimes its hard to not want to just sleep all the time.  It explains why we take medication.  It explains our emotional state and why Zach and I fight over stupid stuff.  And its also a state that Zach, Jack and I are constantly in, but not Lucy.  Lucy is the only one around here who is "normal" with her new "abnormal".  Funny how that works.  Anyhow, my point?  I am trying to tell you what a banana tastes like to me.  Its hard to explain and get it just right.  You may feel empathy for us, maybe not.  Not that I am going for that, but its how we communicate.  Until you take a bite of a banana yourself, you can truly never know what it tastes like.  And even when you do take a bite, I bet your description and experience with the taste, is still probably different than mine.  And this is true with anybody's life, cancer or no cancer.  But when you experience a tragedy, the banana has a much more distinct taste and its harder to describe to others.  Even Zach and I taste it differently, as does Jack.  And we have a hard time trying to tell each other what we think it tastes like.  So think about that.  Literally and figuratively.  How would you explain what a banana tastes like to somebody who has never had one before?  It's hard.  Banana's are a distinct taste and texture.  And of course the riper the banana, makes it even more challenging to describe because the flavor changes as the banana changes.
So I am trying to tell you how my banana tastes with each blog post I do, and its hard to describe.  And I hope you get a better banana than we have.  We aren't liking how ours tastes so much.  We are getting used to the taste, but really wish it was a sweeter more savory taste.  I can't wait to be done with this banana so we can have a new one.


  1. Your banana example reminded me of my father in law who passed away this Feb. He had cancer for the last 8 yrs of his life. Bananas were one of his favorite foods.
    Him & I had a "signal" of sorts. If he was feeling strong and was ready to keep fighting he would tell me he was still buying green bananas. Meaning he would be around to eat them when they were a ripe yellow.
    His last two weeks alive he said to me - don't buy me any green bananas. I knew he was done.
    Some day I want to get a tattoo of a small green banana as a reminder to keep fighting :)

  2. That really touched me Anonymous! My dad passed about 5 yrs. ago with cancer. He always said he wanted to make it till my nephew turned 10. Well when it got near his time to go. He told me and my mom, "I almost made it." That's how we knew he wouldn't be there on Jesse's 10th birthday..which was a somber occasion 2 yrs. ago.

  3. We sure need to meet. I feel this same way everyday, and me and my husband also fight over silly stuff and we can't help it. The kids have no clue what is different about life, my old year old knows wipes r for hand cleaning and she grabs them smiles and wipes away. We also get comments about cleaning weirs things. I'm like has to be done even if it seems funny. Anyway enough about us just trying to say I know the feeling and will also for 2.5 years seems like forever. Hang in there and remember us sometime u need to vent to someone That's living it with Ya.
