Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just a blip...just a blip.....

So I guess we didn't get the best news we could have...:(  They found 4 blasts in Lucy's spinal fluid.  Dr. Pui has reassured us that its nothing to worry about and that its probably because she has had an ongoing cold, BUT to be safe, we head back to memphis in 4 weeks.  I guess I spoke too soon when I said we were close to being done with spinal taps.  I've been stressed and I cried, then I looked up stuff on the internet, then I posted to other groups to see if anybody has had anything similar, and of course none of my friends have.  Awesome.  So I took a kolonopin.....its not quite kicked in yet.  The wicked word relapse is hovering in my brain and I need to realize that me worrying about it isn't going to make it go away or make it true.  So for now, we trust Dr. Pui, and in 4 weeks we will know for sure what is going on.  Just when we seemed to get comfortable and go back to normal.....UGH  Have I mentioned how much I hate cancer?

1 comment:

  1. I can only "image" how you feel. You exhaled and were breathing easier and then came the punch that made you inhale your air again. Now you are not feeling able to exhale.

    Please know my thoughts & prayers remain for healing, knowledge & strength. :)
