Right now is probably NOT the best time to tell you all about our brown wiener dog Taco because.......well, I was finally folding the laundry in the baskets that sit there with the "clean" laundry in them. They can sit there for quite some time before we get to them. Often we empty them by wearing them before anybody gets to folding them and putting them away. I hate folding. And I don't iron, so as you can see...I am NOT a good housewife ;) Anyhow, I FINALLY was folding this massive basket. I was so proud of myself. I was making piles for each family member, etc. I get half way through the basket, and I smell something. It was a rancid smell. So I smell the clothes that I folded and it wasn't that, so I smell myself...hey, you never know, nope wasn't that. So I continue folding the laundry, and I smell it again, so this time I smell the clothes in my hands that I am in the process of folding, and they smell like pee! I proceed to grab another garment and sniff, yep smells...and I do this about 5 or 6 times, because you know I couldn't just go with the first smelly one and make a decision to rewash them. I mean come on! I JUST got the motivation to fold them, surely I don't have to start all over. Well, as you have probably guessed, all of them smelled. So as I type this, they are in the washer being rewashed. Why do they smell like pee? There are several possibilities but the only plausible one: Taco peed in the laundry basket. Fat little bastard. Sorry, that seems to be his nickname when we get mad at him. What I want to know is how is fat but even got INSIDE the basket. I know he likes to lay on top of the warm laundry right after it comes out of the dryer, but I didn't realize he liked to pee on them. GRRR And how do you punish him when you haven't seen him actually do it? So here Taco gets off scott free....again....
oh, yes, Taco has gotten off scott free LOTS of times over the three years we have owned him. But let me digress a bit and start from the beginning.
March 4, 2008...Zach and I's wedding anniversary, Lucy was almost 3 months old, Jack was 2.5, and I was having some serious postpartum blues. I knew Lucy was my last baby, so I was trying to relish in all that meant. I also had an older dog, a toy poodle named Scrappy, who I felt was lonely. So I bought a weiner dog for Zach as an anniversary gift! I saw the picture on the for sale ad and just fell in love with his HUGE blue eyes, big floppy ears, and the pathetic look on his face. Zach grew up with weiner dogs, so I thought he would totally appreciate it. Taco was sold as a "mini daschund", we would soon find out that was a big fat lie. Taco is about 22 lbs and HUGE..there is NOTHING mini about him. So Taco turned out to be a spoiled dog just like my other baby, Scrappy. Taco sleeps with us every night, matter of fact, I have a hard time falling asleep if he isn't at my feet. Taco prefers the egyption cotton sheets and will grunt and moan trying to get comfortable it there is anything else on there. Taco insists on drinking our bottled water. Taco is a vacuum cleaner. He has always sat under Lucy while she eats and cleans up after her (now you have to realize that Taco's birthday was actually on xmas, and Lucy's was the week before, so they are only a week apart in age ;)) Taco is also a very stubborn dog. Took us FOREVER to potty train him, and it is still debatable whether or not that was successful (obviously...the clothes basket). You can let Taco go outside and he will do his business, you bring him and maybe run to the gas station or something for 10 minutes and you can bet you butt that he has done his business again somewhere on the floor! grrr
Taco has scratched all the skin off of my husbands butt while he was sleeping (read post #2 of this blog for details on THAT funny story). Taco has eaten at least a pound of fudge and 2 dozed cookies I had all wrapped up for xmas gifts two years ago...nothing happened to him. Taco is Lucy's companion, but not by choice. Matter of fact, we feel bad for Taco most of the time she is dressing him in clothes or trying to feed him a bottle. Taco LOVES the sunbeam. He will lay outside in it all day. Conversely, he will NOT go outside if it rains or snows. He will stay under our covers and on the heated mattress pad all winter long if you let him. And if you don't have that pad turned on, he will bug you until you turn it on. Sometimes he likes to sleep on our pillows. So now you see why we love Taco so much....we have many many good stories with him, and he is very much a person in this family....so that's why we talk about Taco. BTW, Taco has a FB page ;)
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