6:30 am up and ready for breakfast....says she smells biscuits and gravy...I tell her she's dreaming. She opts for macaroni and cheese, string cheese and pepperoni
7:00 am she has to use the restroom and while on dex all her independence seems to be thrown out the window, so I have to take her to the bathroom, she throws a fit until I give in.
7:15: she's hungry again.....more string cheese
7:30: getting her dressed for clinic day, major melt down over....well I'm not quite sure what we had a melt down over this morning...the day sort of blends after a while
8:00: we head to clinic in Peoria, she's hungry. I tell her she will have to wait until we get to Peoria. She asks me to change the movie in the DVD player in the van
8:15: she wants a new movie, so I change it
9:00 am we arrive at peoria. She's hungry. So she has a juice box, string cheese, and eye balls the bags of chips
9:30: port access
10:00 back in the waiting room to wait for chemo to be ordered and numbers to come back, has another string cheese
10:30 she decides she wants to eat more. She wants chips, but they don't have the kind of the chips she wants (she wants plain ones) here comes a dex fit. It lasted about 15 minutes
10:45: falls asleep on my lap while we wait
11:00 nurse comes out to tell us that they mixed the wrong amount of chemo for Lucy so they have to order it again from pharmacy
11:30 Lucy wakes up from short nap to say that she now wants the sun chips that were in the bowl when she went looking for regular chips..guess what? no sun chips...fit proceeds
11:45: we decide to try to hunt down some chips
12:15: we find chips...she eats them and gets water to go with it
12:45: chemo is ready
1:15 we are all done getting her vincristine and remove her access and are headed on our way, she says she is hungry
1:30 we are on the road to go home! yea! finally...we tell Lucy we will get lunch at home.
2:15: decide to stop for a burger at culvers....feel something funny with the van. Get out to check it..flat tire. Awesome! So we park it, and luckily are next door to a tire place
2:30 Zach goes to the tire place to see if they can just fix it there.
2:45: we wait inside culvers and lucy eats a cheeseburger, french fries, and drinks a milk. Then she wants ice cream. Then she has a fit because her ice cream is melting and she doesn't like how it tastes when it melts.
3:15: we walk over to tire place to see if car is done.
3:30: van is done...Lucy says "what are we going to have for dinner?"
3:45: we go to pick up Jack. He had stayed all night at gmas, and he was VERY tired and in a grumpy mood.
4:00: We pull into the drive way and both kids are already fighting, Lucy wants dinner, we tell her she needs to wait...temper tantrum...
4:30: Lucy has pepperoni and a hotdog
5:00: Lucy is still eating pepperoni and her hot dog
Jack falls asleep on the couch....so does Taco
6:00 Lucy has to use the restroom again....and won't go alone....I take her
6:05: I put a movie on for the kids and sit down to relax, Lucy jumps on my lap, she's never too far away. She follows me to the bathroom.
Whew! That was just today....and I know I missed several bathroom trips as she has taken at least 10 today.
And we haven't even started on cleaning the house, Zach is mowing the lawn, so the neighbors should be happy with that. And not to mention, I have a project to finish up for work that I will work on after she goes to bed. Which will be around 10-11 since she is on dex, she doesn't sleep.
All in a day...all in a day...all in a clinic day...
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