Oh yea, you are hearing the music in your head as you read the title. We had a little of both going on in this house yesterday. Since Lucy can't do public pools, we decided to go ahead and purchase one of those small intex pools, it's no bigger than 2.5 feet deep, if that, but we were tired of filling up the the kiddie pool everyday and then draining it. So with this one, we can't treat it chemically and not have to do that. And hopefully the water will warm up in it so it's not freezing every day for the kids. And it's just one more thing Lucy can do at home to keep her occupied. So we get the thing finally all filled with our awesome water (that mini treatment plant we had to put in was worth it for this project), and the kids were absolute heathens yesterday, so they were in bed by time it was all set up and ready to go. Zach says "wanna go swimming?" I said it's freezing. He said well let's hook up the hose to the hot water heater and warm it up. At this point, I gave him a look of fear. I said "can you do that? Won't it flood the house or something?" he reassured me there was a spicket on it and it would be just fine. So he goes inside and a little later, I see his head pop out of the bedroom window. He says "hand me the end of the hose, I'll just run it out the window". Again, I say "are you sure this is ok?" he said "yea, I saw it done on tv once". So I'm Thinking ok, he watches This Old House and I hand him The hose. After sitting there for a couple of minutes AFTER I give him The hose, I think about it more and said "hey, the red green show doesn't count! He smiles. He shakes his head and says no no no. It'll be fine. So I take the other end of the hose and proceed to hold it in the pool, and sure enough, hot water comes out and starts filling the pool. Now we didn't have enough in there to make the pool super warm so we opted not to swim, but I can't imagine what the neighbors thought if they saw a hose running out our bedroom window, except maybe flashes of cousin eddy or the Beverly hillbillies. He told me later that it was in fact the red green show where he had seen this done before!! Ha! I told you we were a bit "off". In the end, Lucy got a pool that be kept clean each day, hopefully warm up, and no damage was done to our water heater or house!!
Yesterday, I also got an announcement from one of my favorite new Facebook pages "Dying to do Letterman" that they have been selected to have an opportunity to compete for an Oscar. Now this is a documentary about comedian Steve Mazan who goes on a quest of making his dream of performing on the Letterman show a reality after he learns he has cancer and possibly only 5 years left of his life. Now I "met" Steve on FB from a page called cancer sucks. I had posted a video of Lucy when we first got to Memphis when she is saying she hates cancer and we suck cancer. He found her team Lucy page and when I saw the name of his documentary, I instantly felt like this was something I wanted to promote. The first person close to me that passed away from cancer was my aunt Tina, I believe I have mentioned her in posts before. I used to live at her house when I was younger during the summer months. I loved Tina so much. And as it happens, she used to stay up and watch David Letterman and just laugh so hard. She would let me stay up and watch it too. So when I heard the title of the movie, it instantly reminded me of Tina. Now, I'm not a movie buff or academy expert, but here is how this works, I think. In order for this movie to be considered for an Oscar, it must put on two big showings in new York and Los Angeles, and then you are talking independent films, you are talking a lot of money these folks don't have to put on the glitz it takes for advertisement and venue costs, etc. So what happens is the academy selects a few documentaries during docuweek and helps with some costs associated to get them up and running to do their showings, but they dot provide all the $. So the producers have to raise money to offset the costs. This is where the public comes in and can donate to the cause and help the underdogs get a leg up in the competition. It doesn't guarantee they will be nominated or win, but it is one of the first steps in going in that direction. I made sure I donated money on behalf of team Lucy. Why? Because it gets awareness out there surrounding cancer, which helps raise money for research. And most importantly, Steve has an inspirational attitude about live your dreams or die trying. And when I sat there and thought about what it is I'm "dying to do", I had to take a step back and think about it. And you know what? I can't come up with anything! I mean of course I want Lucy to get better, jack to stay healthy, and our family to survive through this 2.5 yr period as a strong unit, but those are givens. I want my "something" to be meaningful and exciting for me. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I tend to do that. Zach says I put too much emotion into everything I do. Which is very true. So I'm still thinking on this one, but have you thought about what you are "dying to do?" If you are interested in helping this cause so that this documentary can be shown in theaters all over the country, please visit them at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jokeandbiagio/dying-to-do-letterman-kickstarter-for-an-oscar-and
They have a short video that explains how it works (better than my description and way more accurate, and you can see a little bit about the film) and you can also pledge to donate to help promote the documentary. Even an amount as low as $1 helps. If they can get thousands of people to donate $1, it brings them closer to their goal. Even you don't have money to donate, I encourage you to visit the site and see what its all about.
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