Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Flying miss Lucy - warning, not for the faint hearted

First off, forgive any typos. I'm mobile and it doesn't seem to catch or autofill spelling errors. So what was our flying with Lucy like?? Exhausting! Not because he was throwing fits, or scared, but because that girl didn't stop talking from the minute we hit the airport!! She had all sorts of questions and stories, and talked to everybody she met. And Lucy is a loud talker, so I could hear snickers from seats far away from us! The flight from bloomington to atlanta was easy enough. No delays, easy to get where we needed, and with an in flight snack, Lucy felt like a queen. She thought it was all cool. She even got her first flying wings from the flight attendant. Then we landed in Atlanta. We had to go from one side of the airport to the other. Thank goodness Atlanta has that train!! With me, our carryon, her stuff, and Lucy in tow, it would have been much harder if we had to walk that. Atlanta is where things got interesting. First, we realized that we didn't have time to grab a bite to eat at a place that was safe for eat because we only had a short time to catch our connecting flight, so for once in my life, I was thankful I paid $9 for a Gatorade, water, an 2 small bags of fritos!! We finally made our gate and were waiting to board, when we found out our flight was delayed an hour! It wasn't a huge deal, Lucy was content enough entertaining everybody. But the hard part was when I noticed her liquid medication had leaked in our ziploc bag! Thankfully, it hadn't leaked in our bag! So we went to the bathroom to clean it up, and as I was emptyig the bag into the sink, the medicine leaked all over my pants!! Then of course traveling with miss Lucy, all our stuff and going potty was also very interesting. When she had to go, I'd let her go in by herself, and wait right by the stall door, but when I had to use the restroom, I made her go in with me. She didn't like that. He thought she was big enough to wait outside for me. So that was a nice fight, I won! Lol oh and let me back up a bit before I tell you my bathroom story. We are walking around with her. Mask on because there are so many people, I just prefer to be on the safe side, so imagine trying to discipline a child in a public place i's ghats enough, right? Now try doing it to a child who i's being sassy, with hardly any hair and a mask on! She would plant herself solid in the middle of the aisle of the airport! She only did it a couple of times over something silly, but my goodness, that was quite enough! And then there was the escalator incident. I'm certain she's been on one before, but apparently she forgot how to use it. So she's stepping on the thing and doesn't realize she can just stay on one stair and is trying to walk backwards on the thing!! I'm trying to encourage her to walk, hold her without her falling, keep ahold of two bags, her baby and her backpack all whole trying to get on the thing myself!! I have my own fear of the damn things since one time my shoelace got caught in one at a department store when I was in jr high. The embarrassment still haunts me to this day. Anyhow, I finally had to let something go so she wouldn't fall. So there went our bags!!! So we travel to the top of the things while our bags are sitting at the bottom. So now we get to the top, and I try to coax her to go back down to get the bags. No go. We had to take stairs. And a girl trying to maneuver stairs with a ask on i's slower than molasses. Good thing we had Of time of time at that point.
Ok so the bathroom "incident", and I've debated on going public with this. It's not for the faint hearted, so there is your warning!! Stop reading now if you can't handle anatomically correct verbiage. I made Lucy go in the stall with me while I had to use the restroom. I had no choice. Well I tried to get her to turn her head, and face the door, but she wouldn't. So I tried to pee and hurry as fast as I could, but she was too quick. Now she has seen me before in the bathroom, so I'm not sure where the questions came from that she already had answers to, but there we were with a very LOUD little girl asking such things like: why does your (here it comes) vagina look different than mine? And then wouldn't nature just make it so I would be having my lady time while she is in there. And she YELLED "oh mommy, you have a big band aid!! Are you ok? Do we need to get a doctor? Does it hurt?" I heard snickers and possibly uncontrollable laughter as I was dying of embarrassment. I debated whether I should go public with something so personal, then I remembered, it wasn't so personal after we walked out of the Atlanta airport bathroom. She even told a few people we were sitting next to while waiting for the plane! Try explaining THAT to your 3 yr old in front of a group of people! People were either laughing or mortified, which Im certain is the reaction from those reading this. So my public announcement goes out to all mothers: think twice about flying solo with young children during yor "time", if at all possible, avoid the situation all together. My cheeks are still stained dark dark red even now telling the story over. And I tried to be the least offensive as possible, she was not discreet at all. I really just wanted to sit in that stall until our flight left hoping anybody in there during our "incident" had long gone by time we made our quick get away!!!
So we ended up having about a 2 hr flight delay in Atlanta, and I'd say Lucy did pretty well.she was occupied by talking to nearby passengers, even trying to weasel her way onto one young ladie's lap so she could play her game on her iPhone. I had to remind her it wasn't polite to just go up and nudge people to sit on their laps! Once we got on the plane, and got going, she finally crashed for the flight. It was a 45 minute or so flight, so a small victory on my part was the nap and quietness!! No more stories! On the plane, we met a man whose daughter had ALL when she was 4, she's 14 now. As we were getting our luggage, we were able to meet her. She was a beautiful young lady and her doctor was dr Pui too!! She said hello to Lucy, and I don't think Lucy understood what was going on, but I did! And I sooo needed to see that!
So we caught the shuttle to the hospital, and that i's where Lucy decided to sing ;) there were 3 families total on te shuttle plus the driver and her song of choice was "8 days a week". The entire song. Several times over and over. The other families were giffling, and mind you she wasn't softly singing with her baby. She was singing in a VERY loud voice!!! As the families were being dropped at their locations, they thanked her for the entertainment and said they enjoyed her singing voice very much. As the shuttle driver dropped us off at the grizzly house, she grabbed her friend to see if Lucy would sing for her, of course she wouldn't. Said she was done! Lol
Whew! I'm exhausted telling that story just as much as I was yesterday when we finally got here. So today is procedure. We go in at 8 am.
If anybody is

1 comment:

  1. LOL!
    Next time, I'll try to send more to keep her occupied.
    Can't wait to see what she comes up with when she gets to kindergarten! I once had a student come running up to me and say "I need to go to the bathroom bad! I'm having quesadilla!"
